Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Plastic Surgery--->Breast, trunk and perineum
Page: 7

Question 31# Print Question

The following best classifies a patient with an acute osteomyelitis of the sternum which presents 2 weeks after median sternotomy and coronary grafting, and which is culture positive:

A. Pairolero Type A
B. Pairolero Type B
C. Pairolero Type C
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Question 32# Print Question

Which one of the following statements regarding Poland's syndrome is false?

A. It was first described by Alfred Poland in 1841
B. It is more common in men
C. A pedicled latissimus flap is suitable for reconstruction of the anterior axillary fold
D. A wide range of deformities of the breasts, thoracic wall, pectoralis major, upper limbs and hands is possible
E. Its incidence is 1:2500 live births

Question 33# Print Question

The following is false in breast reconstruction:

A. TRAM flaps reduce abdominal wall strength compared with DIEP flaps with resultant detriment to activities of daily living and quality of life
B. Pedicled TRAM flaps result in greater morbidity than DIEP flaps from partial flap loss and fat necrosis
C. DIEP flaps are associated with reduced immediate/early postoperative pain compared with TRAM flaps
D. There is no evidence that shows an increase in abdominal hernias with TRAM flaps compared with DIEP flaps
E. TRAM flaps produce comparable aesthetic breast reconstructions and comparable patient satisfaction

Question 34# Print Question

The following statements are true except:

A. Cutaneous perforators that do not originate from the deep inferior epigastric artery (peritoneocutaneous perforators) are rare findings when raising a DIEP flap
B. Pre-operative evaluation of the vasculature of the abdominal wall has been shown to reduce operating times in perforator flap reconstruction
C. The use of computed tomography of the abdominal wall has been shown to be cost-effective in some studies
D. The radiation exposure associated with computed tomographic angiography of the abdominal wall is similar to a background radiation dose of 2.5 years
E. The use of the DIEP flap to reconstruct lower limb defects has not been described

Category: Plastic Surgery--->Breast, trunk and perineum
Page: 7 of 7